Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adventure #1: Going to Haiti

A two week volunteering adventure in Haiti seems to be the perfect way to start my blog. I leave tomorrow and I don't know what to expect, but Im sure it will be interesting and blog-worthy. This is primarily a political blog, but to me, the most important part of politics is when you stop talking about it and start acting. The political issues that are most important to me center around development, human rights and humanitarian aid. Volunteering is the way I practice what I preach without a college diploma or a job in the fields I am interested in. During my pre-departure research I have come across many NGOs that are doing admirable work in Haiti. I will be volunteering with All Hands ,which is one of many groups tending to emergency response, health care and child services. Some of my other favorites are World Vision ( , CARE , ( and Partners in Health or "Zanmi Lasante" in Haitian Creole. ( NGO's are incredibly important in places like Haiti, where civil service has had many severe setbacks.