Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh Homophobia...

             Homophobia is one of those things I just can't understand, no matter how hard I try. Ill attempt to get in the mindset of a right-wing religious homophobe but somehow I just cant. There are other partisan issues that I disagree with but I can understand if I try really hard.
              For example, if someone believes in their heart that life begins and conception and that abortion is murder, I get it. I don't agree or think its right, but it makes sense to protect what they see as a life. (Lets be clear; I do not think that is the motivator for most Prolifers but Ill get to that another time)

             But why oh WHY are people against the idea of someone somewhere living happily in love with someone of the same sex?
 That is why I love this picture so much.

What else can you say to someone who is basing their argument on...wait what is homophobia based on? Religion ? How do you base an argument on something that is, by definition, not logical? Or is it based on protecting the heteronormative patriarchy? Cause then its just straight up oppression.

TONIGHT'S FORECAST: DARK: Daily Show: 2011 Election: Womb Raider

TONIGHT'S FORECAST: DARK: Daily Show: 2011 Election: Womb Raider: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Red Dead Rejection Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Sat...

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My Favorite part is the Womb Raiders part...and the general mockery of nutjobs who don't approve of birth control. "Having an IUD turns women in to mass murderers." Classic.

Overall I am very pleased with the election results, especially in Ohio where I voted on tuesday. I am pleased but frustrated at the same time. People voted against the policies put forward by the candidates they voted for in the midterm elections ! While I agree with the vote this time around, the whole cycle demonstrates what is wrong with the American Political system.

The Policies that we recently voted against did not come as a surprise. They are directly connected with the rhetoric of the elected candidates. If people had voted with their interests in the midterm elections than they would not have had to shoot down SB5 in and the Personhood Amendment.

If we just keep electing back and forth from left to right and don't give either party a chance to actually implement their policies, see results and alter them, then how are we going to progress to a better America ?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Map of My Travels

This is a marked map of where I have been. Not nearly filled in enough! There are so many places I want to go ! Next is Israel in January. Where should I go after that? Im in a pattern right now. Work for a semester and then travel, spend all my money and repeat.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trust In American Government

            Lets talk about the state of politics in this lovely country of ours. Lets talk about the state of our democracy in this melting pot, this leader of the free world.
            For America, democracy has always had specific connotations, yet our political rhetoric has always focused on what democracy is NOT. American democracy is NOT communism. NOT socialism. NOT the Middle East. 

It means hearing the voices of everyone. Except immigrants. Except homosexuals. Except planned parenthood. Except pacifists. Except the 99%

           Is that why we have this inherent fear and distrust in government? A distrust that makes it hard for the government to function? We dont trust them so we impose upon them restrictions and checks and balances so that when one party tries to progress and bring about positive change, they are thwarted and meddled with. Wait, which party is it that likes progress and change? Oh right. Lefties. 
           We see this slow messy policy making as the government being ineffectual and therefore we trust them less. Anyone who tries to get involved and become a politician has to fight incredible odds to make positive change. 
            Its no wonder that people are frustrated ! Its no wonder that we have the Tea Party advocating for smaller federal government ! We dont see the government working ! 
           But seriously, how are we supposed to see results? Try mixing 435 people in the same room, with radically different perspectives, and get them all to agree on what's best for the American People. Thats the House of Representatives. Try mixing almost equal parts Democrats and Republicans and getting a well thought out solution or plan? Thats the Senate. 
         Lets give politicians the benefit of the doubt. Lets assume that they really are bringing the voices of their constituents to the table and they really are fighting for what their constituents need. How are they supposed to succeed in this environment ? 
        We love to blame politicians for all the voices they leave out of their democracy. How much are they to blame ? How much is up to the individual politician in this political climate? 
       Admittedly, we should also ask how much is it fair to let them off the hook? How much can we let them excuse when the majority of them are men, white and in the 1% or at least the 10 %? 
       This is a frustrating situation, and the consequences are even worse. 
What political party is all about small government ? GOP. What political party stands to gain a buttload of support as people trust the government less and less ? The Tea party. What happens if the GOP/Tea Party gain so much support that they start winning elections left and right ?The possibilities are terrifying.
       Basically, if you want women's comprehensive health care, LGBTQ rights, Union rights, sex ed and evolution taught in schools, publicly funded radio, health care, childcare, special education etc. then you need to get on board with Obama, even if you feel a little deflated about him right now. We need to keep SOME democratic presence alive in government, even if the only argument is that he is better than the alternative. 
     Of corse, if you are down with Herman Cain's "Mexican Zapper" and you want to bomb people who support a woman's right to chose, than maybe the GOP is for you. Sorry, that was a exaggerated overgeneralization of this countries right wing. Regardless, I hope you are happy with losing your collective bargaining rights! I hope you dont get sick because damn, you probably will go broke ! I hope you dont have an unwanted pregnancy ! The chances are high, because with the GOP you are less likely to afford birth control, and you will have to jump through incredible hoops if you want an abortion. 

     But, as always, I am a firm believer in everyone expressing their own opinion.
      And, since I dont want to be a hypocrite, I feel compelled to express my opinion and say that if you support the Tea Party and the GOP than you are a huge idiot. I will never forgive you as I watch the country go to shit.  

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